Falls die Webcam eines PC oder Notebooks zu schlecht ist oder man etwas mehr Flexibilität möchte, lässt sich die Kamera des Handys als Webcam nutzen.
WeiterlesenKategorie: IT-New
As a precaution for crashes of my hosted, managed WordPress installation or me accidentally destroying my content, I frequently export all content to an XML file (5MB) via Tools > Export. I had doubts about being able to restore my content from such a small export file. To avoid risking destroying my life WordPress site, with a test restore, I successfully restored an export file into a local WordPress test installation.
WeiterlesenThis post describes how I typically set up and configure my Windows machines.
WeiterlesenThis post describes my experience using the Windows Dev Kit 2023 ARM Mini PC as my office computer. This is not the usage scenario intended by MS, but I wanted to see how the little ARM machine fares as an office PC before using it for my app development.
WeiterlesenWindows Sandbox is a standard Windows feature, providing a lightweight desktop environment (Windows virtual machine) to safely run applications in isolation. In a Sandbox you can safely test apps or browse „unsafe“ websites. In contrast to „normal“ VMs Sandbox starts quickly, e.g starting Sandbox and installing Firefox takes less than 30 sec on my notebook.